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flowers at home

what flowers does the florist keep in her own home?

tulips past their prime, plopped unceremoniously in a goodwill vase that reminds me a little of those metal vases (or are they urns?) at cemeteries. it has that odd conical shape to it.

wired laboratory glads, test subjects in an experiment of longevity under a mist of antitranspirant and different wiring techniques.
more tulips from the same two bunches, this time at the bedside. kept company by a few of the very first terrariums i ever made, little guys that are still going strong but could use some cleaning out. you’d think i’d be excited to bust out the fancy new tweezers, but there just aren’t enough hours in a day.
the weekend’s real triumph, a pair of vegetable boxes anxiously awaiting leveling, staking, filling, and planting. thanks to the mr, who made do with the cordless drill, even versus cedar. not flowers, i know, but i couldn’t help but share. is it spring yet?
peek into more homes with flowers, as motivated by jane at the lovely small but charming:
please let me know if i missed anybody or leave a link to your blog in the comments.
what’s blooming in your house?

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  • flwrjane January 31, 2011, 9:56 am

    >I love , love , love that you joined us! And I'm pretty crazy about your terrariums. Would you consider doing a tutorial on their making?

    xo Jane

  • Urbanstems January 31, 2011, 10:38 am

    >Ah the humble glass and tulips popped in! A true florist at home! Love your blooms. Sinead

  • anastasia January 31, 2011, 12:14 pm

    >thanks for taking a look. :)

    i find i usually end up with the plainer flowers at home. carnations, snaps, tulips… all are equally loved.

    jane, a terrarium tutorial is in the works. it's about time to make more anyway.

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